GE Form 109 400W MV (1955)

GE Form 109 400W MV (1954)

GE earliest M-400 (ca.1958)

GE Form 400 400W MV (1958)

Line Materials Co. 100W mercury (ca.1960)

Revere 400W mercury fixture ca. 1965

Revere 400W separate ballast fixture with reverse position socket ca. mid 1950s

Revere 100W mercury fixture ca. 1960

Revere 400W mercury fixture ca. 1950s (reverse position socket)

Westinghouse OV-20 (ca. 1948-1952)

Westinghouse OV-20 (ca.1948-52) w/ rounded refractor

Wheeler 100W MV (Late 1950's)

Wheeler 100W MV ca.1955, GE #205 globe

Wheeler 175W MV open glass bottom

Wheeler 100W mercury w/ GE #205 globe and reflector (ca.1958) F/P #5607-A flanged photocontrol

Wheeler 100W MV (1964)

Wheeler 100W MV (1954-57)

Wheeler 100W MV (1964)

Wheeler 100W MV (1956), Tube Photocontrol

GE Form 402, 700 to 1,000 watt. Late 1950s

Earliest version of GE M-250 (100 to 250 watt w/ integral ballast) 1958

Rare Wheeler "Fullerton" 400 watt fixture, ca. 1962-65 (Scott Ferreira Collection)

Westinghouse OV-10 w/ integeral 100 watt ballast (1958-63)

Westinghouse OV-20 w/top mounted bracket assembly, shown w/aircraft-style cable
so fixture could be lowered for servicing. ca. 1960 (Scott Fererria Collection)